How to Creat an Exe With Visual basic 2014
I think every programmer to create a program that generates executable,
Good with a Microsoft component that is possible, ie you add a TextBox1
And Compliar want the code that is in it. Good in VB . & CSharp net this is possible,
How to make a simple? Good It first few things before Nampspace
Good with a Microsoft component that is possible, ie you add a TextBox1
And Compliar want the code that is in it. Good in VB . & CSharp net this is possible,
How to make a simple? Good It first few things before Nampspace
using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
Now let's add some functions xD
public static bool Compliar (EXE_Nome string, string Source){CodeDomProvider Compiler = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider ("CSharp");CompilerParameters CompilerParameters = new Parameters ();CompilerResults cResults = default (CompilerResults);Parameters.GenerateExecutable = true;Parameters.OutputAssembly = EXE_Nome;Parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add ("System.dll");Parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add ("System.Data.dll");Parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add ("System.Windows.Forms.dll");Parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add ("System.Drawing.dll");Parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add ("System.Xml.dll");Parameters.CompilerOptions = "/ target: winexe";Dictionary <string, string> Version = new Dictionary <string, string> ();Parameters.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty (Icon)){}cResults = Compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource (Parameters, Source);if (cResults.Errors.Count> 0){foreach (CompilerError CompilerError_loopVariable in cResults.Errors){CompilerError error = CompilerError_loopVariable;MessageBox.Show ("Error:" + error.ErrorText, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);}return false;}else if (cResults.Errors.Count == 0){MessageBox.Show ("Successful Program", "Correct");return true;}return true;}
? Using Good Leave a textBox: textBox1 Make a button: button1 poe the textBox the desired size two clickes the Button1 and Add:
Compliar ("Aplicacao.exe" textBox1.text.toString);
Understanding the code above: Compliar: the function name (..): Among the parenthesis are the paramentros and variables used in the function"Aplicacao.exe": Was the nomedo exe files of application. textBox1.text.tostring: Would the code . you type in the TextBox, a ne pc prescisaria toString would not textBox1.Text direct test both xD xD Now, we only study to test the code to convert it to vb . NET If you do not have any code to use this test:
using System;public class TGH{public static void Main (){Console.WriteLine ("Hello Team Game Hacking!");}}
using System; class Program { static void Main () { Console.Write ("1") Console.Write ("2") Console.Write ("3"); Console.Read (); } }